Selling all or part of the business you created is part of a smart exit strategy that maximizes your personal and financial freedom.

The bank due diligence process is rigorous; your business will undergo tremendous scrutiny.

Rinaldi Advisory Services® helps owners get “bank-ready,” we assess your entire business – your business model, infrastructure, technology stack and management team, just to name a few – and help determine which components of your business are ready for acquisition, which aren’t, and how to get there.

RAS advises and helps its clients develop their unique proprietary business performance metrics and models (intellectual property) designed to optimize their long-term enterprise value.




Bank-ready is our process that prepares your leasing company to attract interest by financial institutions, and prepares your team and operations to pass the scrutiny of bank due diligence prior to, during, and after a sale process. At its core, bank-ready is an exit strategy that acknowledges the reality that a bank will be an equipment finance company’s most likely exit partner. We help improve the key areas that an ideal buyer will find most valuable, allowing you to attract multiple suitors that can pay a premium for the value you’ve built.

Agriculture, Construction, & Material Handling Dealer Success Strategies

Unlock new growth opportunities by building and strengthening relationships with agriculture, construction equipment, and material handling dealers. Rinaldi Advisory Services’ Brett Davis provides tailored strategies for success.

Performance Enhancement & Growth Solutions for Independents

Growth-focused services for independent finance companies designed to optimize operations, enhance profitability, and become attractive targets for eventual acquisition.

CCR®: Confidential CEO Resource: Equipment Finance Leaders

Robust advisor access with long-term strategic planning and support for independent lessors at an affordable fixed monthly cost. No nickel and diming for extraneous fees or billable hours.

C3A®: CEO’s Confidential Company Analyst: Equipment Finance Leaders

Meaningful analysis and actionable insights with an eye toward managing growth, operational and financial efficiencies for smaller independent equipment finance businesses doing less than $30 million per year in annual new business volume.