Bob Rinaldi Site Features Interview with Bank Leasing Pioneer Dennis Neumann

  CINCINNATI, OHIO, March 8, 2011–Bob Rinaldi, the founder of, interviewed equipment leasing industry pioneer and leader Dennis Neumann, currently the CEO of BNY Capital…

WLN Launches Series on Emerging Leaders

World Leasing News launched a new series to feature emerging leaders. Bob Rinaldi is interviewed for the Feb. 2011 story, and Leasing Avenues is cited.

Industry Veteran Bob Rinaldi to Share Best Practices for Moving Forward, Speaking at ELFA Convention

CINCINNATI, OHIO, OCT. 15–Industry veteran, Bob Rinaldi, senior vice president of CSI Leasing, Inc., is joining an esteemed group of his peers for a panel discussion on the future success of…

MLFI Report Quotes Bob

Check out the latest data on our industry from the ELFA. MLFI …..the data shows mixed results. What are your thoughts about our industry’s role in the economic recovery?