Rinaldi article featured in AACFB Commercial Break: "READY TO SELL? CAN AN EQUIPMENT FINANCE BROKERAGE BE SOLD?"

Not much is written about the successful exits of equipment leasing and finance Brokerages. Little is known about how many Brokerages exist in the US, let alone any statistics or benchmarks about the Brokerage ecosystem. This article focuses on the viability of a Brokerage to have a successful exit. Brokerages’ principals frequently contact Rinaldi Advisory Services (“RAS”) about what their company would be worth and to whom. The answer is always the same. It depends. It’s not a copout, as you will see. Buyers determine the value and, thereby, the price they are willing to pay a seller, not vice versa. Brokerages must look at themselves objectively, like outsiders, and put themselves in the shoes of potential buyers.